Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tagline: This place is so dead.

I had really wanted to see this in the theaters but couldn't. The story is about four unlikely survivors in a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world about two months after 'patient zero' took the fateful bite of the infected burger. This was the directorial debut for Ruben Fleischer and was actually first written as a tv pilot that was never picked up. Its stars Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin, with a priceless cameo from Bill Murray, and the whole ensemble was cast perfectly. Its really a comedic horror, or horredy (?); not a straight zombie movie but yet not a complete farce, i.e. Shaun of the Dead. Its more like a matter-of-fact look at the way life would really be with a bit of humor thrown into the mix.I really debated with myself on going with the perfect five stars. I must start off by saying that it had the BEST title sequencing I've seen a long time, or even ever. The warp effects were amazing and very evident of the amount of time it took to create plus it completely helped with the overall feel and tone of the movie. It was genuis! This movie has been getting mixed reviews, and I think its due to the poor marketing for this movie and a lot of people were going in expecting something completely different than what it was. It was an amazingly witty script and very quotable. The humor was so genuine and not gratuitous that it made the dialogue perfect. All of the actors have amazing comedic timing. I really enjoyed the cinematography and again the title sequences. It was reminiscent of Tarantino type titles yet more smooth, consistent, fun, and ungratuitous. I found myself laughing out loud at several points in the movie and if you really pay attention, some of the funniest lines are the not so obvious ones. I was actually surprised by this movie, as I didn't know I would like it this much. I am certain I will be purchasing this movie. This movie had a long list of great quotes to choose from but one of the best, 'I'm not great at farewells, so . . . that'll do pig.' ' That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard, and you stole it from a movie'.

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