Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tagline: Every heart has an awakening. Every soul needs a song.

Well I thought this movie was much better than everyone was giving it credit for. People may just expect to much out of these lower budget indie dramas, but I was pleased with the film overall. Although, the only thing that held this movie was Dakota's performance no doubt. If not already, this role solidifies her position and immense talent for any actress at any age. This does definitely help to age her but then again when wouldn't the portrayal of and abused rape victim? I thought some of the other performances were very static and the over the top symbolism was awful. One thing they did get right was the nat. sound track that sounded exactly like the south with the constant locust buzzes. Without Dakota, this movie would be very immature and clumsy, but it's definitely worth it to see how great she is.

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