Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tagline: Sometimes parenthood comes with a hefty price tag.

So I've read some harsh words about Kate's project here but it's Kate Hudson's directorial debut of a lighthearted 16 minute short that's just filled to the brim with talent! Kurt Russell was great. I'm already a Kristen Stewart fan but I do think she did a great job and really pulled off a character unlike any of the others she's done. Dakota Fanning: Wow! She's becoming a great actress and so well versed. The cinematography and editing was a little lacking but again it's a 16 minute short, so it was more than I would have normally hoped for. I don't think her message was you can buy happiness, but rather to support your children's dreams; "what makes you happy, makes me happier". It was obviously a project of passion for Kate to get started behind the camera and came out quite nice I'd say. The format was perfect as this probably wouldn't have worked well as a feature, but maybe could have.

Watch the movie here:

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