Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog Initiation

Okay, so I decided to just create this blog as a place to store all my movie reviews that I've been writing.
I send out my reviews to an email list, I post them on flixter on my facebook, and I post them on my internship position on So basically, I'm just all over the place. I just wanted a place that was simple and just could put all my reviews in one place and would be easy to access.
A little background; I'm a huge nerd and more importantly, a movie nerd. I don't have many passions in life, but I do have a passion for movies. And, the real passion is that I want to be film editor. That's my dream and I've finished courses with Avid to become a certified Avid user and now I'm working on my own reel in order to send out to start at the bottom to become an editor. Next to editing, I love talking about movies and discussing them.
Even before I started the internship and my facebook Monday night movie club, I wrote a review for every movie that I saw.
Warning, my reviews are very long! I try to cover all the different elements of a film because that's how I see them. It's pretty hard for me to not like some element in a movie, just because I really love movies and respect pretty much everything out there. In my reviews, I try to explain the feeling and tone of the movie. I'll sum it up with whether I personally liked it or not but I really feel that it's beside the point on if I enjoyed it or not because I try to explain why I liked/disliked it. Nobody has the same taste in movies and I know that I've got niche' preferences as well.
So, that's just me. Movies.
Here is my attempt to just keep a place with all my reviews.

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