Sunday, April 25, 2010

An Education

I wanted to see this movie because I decided to go to the movies alone and see something that looked good. This movie was getting such great reviews and Peter Sarsgaard was also a plus. Its a sort of coming of age movie about a young girl, Carey Mulligan, who meets and falls for an older playboy, Sarsgaard, in post-war Engladn in the 1960's. I did like this movie, althought I don't see exactly where the rave reviews are coming from nor do I think this is a worhty Oscar contender. The plot reminded me much of the Feminins Mystique and I think greatly captures the role and opportunities for women of this era and the social pressures they were dealing with at the time. When you think it was only about 50 years ago, you can see how far we've come. I wasn't expecting a feminist theme however when I went in, althought the movie is based from memoirs of the lead characted. The story really captured the era at that time if anything. I do belive there are some flaws with the plot, and really only with the resolution of the movie. The exposition and rising action are very believable and genuine, however once we get to know Mulligan's character, we will question her choices near the end of the movie. Carey Mulligan proves herself as a great actress and I think will do well. Sarsgaard does well and it seems as though the part was written for him. Also Rosamund Pike ( think Pride & Prejudice ) did good with her comedic role. I would have like to seen Emma Thompsons' role expanded, as you would have thought it was a cameo with the little amount of screentime for her character. The movie is shot beautifully and the script is well written. Also noteable is that the costumes were just beautiful in this movie. The movie was overall, very nicely done. I think the end could have used some work and there should have been more insight to Sarsgaard's character. Also the foreshadowing couldv'e been more subtle so it didn't taint the movie in the begin and let the audience form their own opinion. Its also interesting to know that Mulligan is actually 22 although she portrays an innocent 16 year old. Great Quote; 'Knowing a famous author is better than being one; it shows you're connected'.

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