Sunday, April 25, 2010

Public Enemies

Tagline: America's Most Wanted.

So I fell asleep trying to watch this movie after about an hour into it. From that hour after watching the worst cinematography I've seen in a major motion picture in a long time, I could not find the motivation or desire to even finish this movie. Granted, I don't know how the second half of the movie fares and it might even get better during that part, but from what I did see, I was extremely dissappointed. The camera work was so distracting that I couldn't even focus on the performances. The camera was constantly moving which was unneccessary and so distracting. The film was also shot in this super HD which just looked terrible and was the wrong choice for a period piece such as this. Don't get me wrong, I thought I was going to love this movie seeing as Goodfellas and The Departed are on my all time favorite list and I highly respect Johnny Depp as an actor. It might have been because I was so distracted with the technical atrocities, however the plot seemed slow and un-interesting ( in the first half at least ). I know I should've finished the movie to give it a proper review, but time is money and especially with two toddlers running around. Overall, I was extremely dissappointed and I have no inclination to even attempt to finish this movie from what I did see.

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