Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bounty Hunter

Tagline: The pursuit begins Spring 2010.

So this movie had Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler as the leads and as a ultra devoted Friends fan and admirer of the Gerard Butler physique, I was intrigued to see if this would be as cute as a movie as the trailer was promoting. The film was shot with a budget of $50 million and came in third in the box office it’s opening week, just behind Alice in Wonderland and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

The plot is fairly simple as it follows an ex-cop turned bounty hunter, Gerard Butler, who is assigned to bring in his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, after she fails to appear at a court date. After a small game of cat-and-mouse, there is a sinister police conspiracy in which Aniston finds herself in the middle of and a prime target. Soon she and Butler are on the run to save their lives and uncover the story.

Well the plot is very simple and clichéd. It stays true to the romantic comedy vibe, but seems to drag on for at least 50% too long. The characters were not terribly complex and the dialogue is pretty sparse and simple. The movie had consistent funny moments that were placed evenly throughout the movie but most of the humor came from the physical comedy rather than dialogue. Once the plot merged into the cop conspiracy, I found myself just wishing for the end already.

The movie was filmed on location and had a nice feel to it. It also had a great soundtrack which kept the pace up in the movie which almost overcame the lag in the plot. The car chase sequence actually had some great camera angles in it that impressed me. Overall, it was a colorful and vibrant comedy movie.

Aniston and Butler are the only reasons this movie didn’t lose my complete interest. Aniston almost recreates her Rachel character from friends and proves she’s got great comedic timing, not to mention she looks fantastic throughout the movie. Gerard Butler gives the ladies what they came for and exudes his charisma on screen. They do have good chemistry and were able to keep the movie from capsizing from the clichés and simpleness. Christine Baranski is always colorful and truly funny. Also I have to mention SNL cast member, Jason Sudeikis, who plays a hapless stereotypical fool but is also semi funny.

Overall, the movie wasn’t a complete waste of time but it wasn’t anything memorable or exciting either. The leads were pretty to look at and had some funny moments in the movie but the movie was too long and it was trying to take on too many clichés in the end. I would probably only recommend this movie to a couple who wanted something to rent when everything else was already gone. “Life is about making mistakes, and death is wishing you made more.”

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