Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shrek Forever After

So we decided to see this movie and make it a family fun night for the kiddos. I had enjoyed the first two Shreks, and forgotten there was a third apparently, so I was interested in this movie. I wasn’t really expecting much from it and it is an animated movie, but I’m glad we saw it and more importantly, I’m glad we saw it in 2D. Not to mention that it was still on top after it’s second week and has already grossed $147 million.

The movie is about Shrek, obviously. In this movie, he is going through a mid-life crisis, typical man, when he finds himself in a rut in his married life. He then makes a deal with the oh so sneaky Rumpelstiltskin to become a scary Ogre again for a day. Of course there was some fine print that he didn’t see and this caused the whole kingdom to belong to Rumpelsitskin and caused the space time continuum to alter making it so that Shrek never rescued Fiona, met Donkey, and also caused Puss in Boots to become extremely fat. Shrek must then work to reverse the spell before the day is over to set things back the way they belong.

The plot was actually interesting enough and created a lot of nice gags. There were nice funny parts spaced evenly throughout the movie, although there were some definite lags to it. I’m glad they decided to change it up instead of going with another boring sequel, such as Shrek the Third. I also liked how there were jokes that were really funny to the adult audience while going over the heads of the younger audience. This is really what the Shrek movies are famous for and kind of paved the way for this adult/child humor to co-exist in one movie.

The graphics were actually really amazing and very detailed. It was actually quite beautiful and I’m glad we saw it in 2D so we could really appreciate the details. The soundtrack, as expected, was rockin’ and flowed nicely with the movie.

Really, the funny parts were mainly centered on Donkey, Eddie Murphy, and Puss in Boots, Antonio Banderas. Shrek, Mike Meyers, added some comedy as well. But all the rest of the characters were pretty much filler. I’m glad that they’ve greenlit a spinoff movie for Puss in Boots, because he really contributed to a lot of the laughs.

Overall, this was an animated movie and it was a decent Shrek movie. I believe that the second Shrek is still my favorite, but this was a nice ending. I don’t think they should do any more however, just let it rest in peace. It was entertaining for the family and had some genuinely funny parts for the adults. Classic line, “and one thing led to another, and that’s when my donkey fell down your waffle hole” -- Shrek Forever After.

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