Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I had actually been looking forward to this one as it looked really funny in the trailer and I do really like both Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher. It was a tough decision between seeing this movie when it opened or Get Him to the Greek, which opened the same weekend. So I saw them both! I did see this one first and it was a part of the movie club. Surprisingly, this movie came in third overall, behind Greek and Shrek Forever After.

The plot is very simple. A simple organized girl meets the man of her dreams while on vacation and they soon fall in love. Later once they are married, she finds out suddenly that he is really employed by the 'blah blah blah with a license to blah'.

The plot was interesting enough to keep us guessing and entertained throughout. There was some forced character development and some unrealistic plot points, but this was a romantic comedy after all and not a serious action drama. The characters were funny, likeable, and most importantly believable. This kind of plot has been done before so there wasn't anything special or amazing, it did just give good set-ups and background for many humorous moments. It did also give us some super corny lines, but it didn't ruin anything really, and was needed, more or less, to keep up the believability in the plot.

I actually enjoyed the opening sequence editing, but I'm sure nobody else paid attention to that or even cared. The film quality was very nice and of high resolution. The sets were very pretty as well as the costume design, although I bet Heigl and Kutcher would pretty much look good in anything. The movie was well paced and didn't really have any lags in it.

The movie was definitely performanced based. Without Heigl and Kutcher, I don't think this would have been such a sucess. They really worked well with each other. Say what you will about Katherine Heigl, but she has superb comedic timing. She's really got the triple threat; she can do comedy, she's beautiful, and she can knock out dramatic scenes with ease as well. Asthon was looking as good as ever in this movie and played his part really well. He also provided a lot of the humor. The main comedy was definitely situational and physical comedy along with perfect timing and delivery of lines. Tom Selleck and Catherin O'Hara were also their funniest I've seen them in years. I also loved that Casey Wilson had a funny part in the movie, gotta support my SNL cast members!

Overall, this was actually a really good entertaining and genuinely funny movie. It's nice to see a movie that didn't need the R rating to be funny but at the same time wasn't too unbelievable or corny to make it un-funny. I ended up really liking this movie and there were some downright hilarious parts. I also really think its largely in part due to Heigl and Kutcher, I just don't think it would've worked with anyone else. It's even more surprising since they decided to jump past any test screenings and go right to the final cut. I'd recommend to anyone who likes just a good entertaining humorous movie. "I'm a robot sent down to earth to observe your dating habits" -- Killers.

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