Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sex and the City 2

So I had wanted to see this movie because I was a fan of the show, more or less, and did really enjoy the first movie when it came out. I was a little hesistant however because the premise of this movie seemed a little bit sketchy and the last movie seemed to tie things up so well. I'm also nothing like the girls on this show and so the fashion/girly aspect wasn't a major selling point either for me. I did end up seeing it in the theater however and well . . . read on.

So the plot is super basic. Everyone is all dramatic about their current state of their relationships, as always. It's then decided they will all vacation together to the Abu Dhabi.

Okay, so the plot was apparently very weak and a lot of it felt really forced and unnatural. It tried too hard to incorporate too much into the story. It also gave too much problems and subplots to each of the characters. It's okay to have one of the characters be happy and not facing a dilemma in the movie. There were some great one-liners thrown in a couple of times, but the dialogue just didn't seem that well thought out. It just seemed like this movie was put together in a hurry without really smoothing it out first.

Well of course the sets and costumes were super lavish. Almost over the top. It's crazy to think that these characters would wear and live in these kinds of places in real life. But it is a nice escape and Carrie and Big's new apartment was ultra gorgeous. The soundtrack was in keeping with the first movie and there wasn't any real problems with the cinematography.

So the girls did the same they've done this whole time pretty much, except they're getting older but their characters really haven't caught up with them, which was a little unbelievable. I don't think they really did a bad job or anything, I think it was just major plot problems and based on this, the franchise should've ended with the first movie.

Overall, it was semi-entertaining but it seemed to go on forever with long periods of not-so funny moments. I think die-hard fans will like it because their judgement will be clouded by all the pretty shoes and clothes, but underneath the plot is just weak, and not to mention the way India is treated in the movie. So, I was dissappointed because I did enjoy the first movie, but I came in to this one with low expectations. I would recommend to the fans of the show only. "There should be a law against hiring a nanny that hot." " There is, its the Jude Law" -- Sex and the City 2.

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