Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Get Him To The Greek

So I was totally stoked when I heard about this movie coming out. 1) I love love love Forgetting Sarah Marshall and 2) Infant Sorrow is my most favorite fake band of all time. I decided to see this movie right after seeing Killers in the theater and pulled a double feature, that I payed for later. I'll come out and say it now that it was totally worth it!

The movie is a spin-off from the character of Aldous Snow, lead singer of the rock band Infant Sorrow, originally featured in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which also had Jonah Hill in it but as a different character. In this movie, Jonah Hill works for a music label and must accompany Snow on his way to a reunion performance at the Greek theater and only has 72 hours to do so, which isn't as easy as it sounds with the last remaining real rockstar.

The plot was inventive and interesting. The characters were really well written, especially Aldous' character, which is obvious since he got his own major movie deal as a spin-off from another movie. There were so many great quotable lines from this movie because the dialogue was really well written, although I have a feeling the funniest parts were probably ad-libbed.

The movie's cinematography was really great for this type of movie. I really loved the different camera angles and editing used based on the different types of drugs they were on at the time basically. The editing was fast paced and kept up with the movie and the action. The soundtrack was awesome, there was 19 great songs written for this movie and I've now purchased the soundtrack! The tabloid/news media montage in the beginning of the movie was amazing and really inventive.

The humor from the movie definitely came from the actors, and it wasn't all just Jonah Hill and Russell Brand. Puff Daddy, or Sean Combs or whatever he's called this week, was actually really funny. From his lines in the trailer, it looked like he was going to just have this semi-funny cameo. But he actually had a big role and was a lot funnier in the movie. Rose Bryne, plays Jackie Q, Aldous' model/singer girlfriend and she was super hilarioius, especially in her fake music videos. ( Emily Blunt was actually signed on for this role but then backed out, I think she would have been even funnier :( )Elisabeth Moss who plays Jonah Hill was also pretty funny in her role. There was also a super amazing awesome cameo by, yes none other than Kristen Bell. Just made the movie that much cooler!

I had a really great time watching this movie. It was some really great rated R humor. Much like Forgetting Sarah Marshall or even The Hangover, but on Rock n Roll steroids! It was just constant action and humor pretty much throughout the whole movie. When you think about everything that was put into this movie, i.e concerts, music video shoots, etc, it's amazing it was all done so well. Russell Brand actually filmed the concerts scenes at his own sold out comedy tour which is just the coolest thing ever. I really love Russell Brand even more than before now. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys this type of rated R drug/sex/Rock N Roll humor. "Sneeze and clench, sneeze and clench" -- Get Him to the Greek.

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