Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I had actually really wanted to see this movie because I’m a huge Jorma Taccone, Kristen Wiig, and SNL fan. I loved the Macgruber skits on SNL and I really believe that Jorma and Kristen are true comedic geniuses. I’ll admit that I was afraid though because it could have been either a total bomb or super hilarious. I soon realized that I was pretty much alone in my wanting to see this movie and unfortunately the movie didn’t do that well on it’s opening weekend coming in #6 and brining in only $4 million. I believe this may be due to the R rating and the fact that it’s summer and the younger audiences won’t count for this one.

The movie is a spin-off of the uber hilarious skit from SNL which stars Will Forte and Kristen Wiig as a Macgyver type rag-tag team who attempt to disarm bombs with home-made devices, such as a paper clip and piece of gum. In this movie, Macgruber comes out of retirement to face his arch nemesis, Val Kilmer, who has recently acquired a nuclear warhead. Macgruber uses the help of Kristen Wiig and Ryan Philippe to attempt to bring down his rival and ultimately save the world.

Well I’ll start by saying this movie most definitely earned it’s ‘R’ rating and I would venture to say it’s the dirtiest SNL movie ever. While there were some just over the top moments, it wasn’t a gross-out competition or expletive fair. It seemed as though they saved up all the stuff they came up with while writing SNL that couldn’t be aired and used it in this movie. A lot of the humor was situational comedy and it was as if the best bits were used and the movie just went from bit to bit. The plot was semi interesting and actually had some really funny twists in it. I’ll come out and say this movie was hilarious and the whole theater roared with laughter at the funny parts so hopefully I’m not alone in thinking this. Most of the humor was obviously from Will Forte and Kristen Wiig, who are used to doing this on a weekly basis, and they really carried the movie. This script was excellently written and I really love Jorma Taccone, who is just so underrated. He directed and co-wrote this movie and is responsible for much of the SNL pieces and especially the musical pieces with Andy Samberg. He is one third of The Lonely Island, which if you haven’t heard of, you need to look them up now. A lot of the bits and jokes were actually very smartly written and I think this is just a great addition to his ever growing impressive resume. Okay, enough Jorma promotion.

The movie was actually filmed nicely. The quality of the film was pleasing and the plot flowed easily throughout the film. There was something wrong with the sound in our theater so I’m not quite sure how it was actually supposed to be in the movie, but I did love the 80’s music used in a lot of the sequences.

So this movie was carried by Will Forte and Kristen Wiig and without them, I don’t think it would’ve been that funny. If you like either one of them, then this movie is for you. Ryan Philippe was actually decent in this movie and helped to set the other guys up for a lot of laughs. Val Kilmer was unnecessary in this movie. He wasn’t funny and he looked really strange. I think they could’ve saved the money and gotten someone, anyone, funnier. Maya Rudolph and some famous wrestlers, apparently, made some cameos in the movie which were entertaining.

So this movie had a lot of potential to fail big time. It could have been a completely unrealistic stupid farce of a movie or even a gross-out movie, but fortunately it was neither of these. It was a lot of situational comedy and bits that were smartly written and turned out very funny. It was extremely graphic and for mature audiences only. Had this movie been knocked down to PG13, I think it would have lost all the humor and totally failed. This is a double edged sword however, because I believe it’s the R rating which made the profit suffer. It’s definitely different than other SNL movies but I really enjoyed it and had a lot of really good laughs from this movie. So despite the bad reviews/profits, I think this movie was a success. I would recommend to SNL fans and anyone who enjoys adult situational comedy. “Relax, this is just like Nicaragua .” “ Macgruber, I got shot in Nicaragua ” “ Relax, this is nothing like Nicaragua ” – Macgruber.

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