Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So I had thought this movie looked entertaining more or less and since it was the only big opener this past week, I decided to see it. I enjoy the diverse roles that Angelina Jolie picks and so I assumed I would enjoy this movie as well. Plus, who doesn’t love a good old Russian spy movie.

The movie is carried by Angelina Jolie with a little help from Liev Schreiber. We learn in the beginning that Jolie may or may not be the infamous double agent Salt who is to be a part of a renewed Russia vs. US espionage conspiracy. Thus we are set down the path trying to learn the true identities of the Russian intruders.

The plot is fairly simple and certainly nothing original however it does keep you entertained throughout. The characters are mostly one dimensional and very static but it is an action movie, which is to be expected. The premise of the movie is semi-plausible although a little far-fetched. I liked how it went retro and used Russia as the antagonistic country and went back to the Cold War references, although I am a super nerdy history major and this probably excited zero others. The dialogue was very bland and forgettable. The plot was just interesting enough to keep up with the action although I don’t think it was captivating enough to derive any sequels from, which apparently is what the producers are thinking about doing.

It’s an action movie and for the most part the editing and camera work is on par with the style of the movie. The camera movements are a little too fast however in several sequences for the audience to have enough time to see the elements that they are panning to. Apart from the extremely sappy flashback sequences, which could have been done much better, the rest of the cinematography was on par. This movie actually had some of the best sound/foley editing I’ve seen recently. I’m sure this also doesn’t excite anyone else, but the foley sound was really good and realistic and at the perfect levels, which sometimes in action movies can be a little overdone. So props to the sound editors of this movie.

I had heard someone say that Angelina Jolie is the only bonafide female action star and I’ve come to realize that is perfectly accurate. She has really transcended that gender line in the action arena and she totally kicks ass in this movie. She does a good job with this role and pulls off the character and all of the action well. I’d wager that if she wasn’t in the movie, it wouldn’t have been quite as entertaining. Live also does a good job and is mostly believable.

Overall, it was entertaining. Not entertaining enough for me to go see Salt 2 however. I’d recommend to Angelina Jolie fans but I’d probably save it for a rental night. “My name is Evelyn Salt. Then you’re a Russian spy.”

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