Friday, August 20, 2010

Dinner For Schmucks

So I had really been looking forward to this movie since I am a huge Steve Carrel fan and I usually enjoy Paul Rudd’s movies. The trailers made the movie look hilarious and I was expecting nothing less going into it. Unfortunately, my expectations fell short and it couldn’t even knock Inception out of the top spot it’s opening weekend.

The plot of the movie is very simple. Paul Rudd must invite an idiot to a dinner his boss is throwing so they can make fun of him, thus solidifying his promotion. Of course, he runs into Steve accidently, who is a divorced IRS worker who’s hobby is mouse taxidermy.

(Now, I should say that I don’t know how this movie ends because the film burnt up right at the end of the movie when I saw it in Chicago, so thanks Chicago.)

The plot is inventive and should be a fantastic starting point to build up a lot of humor. I think where this movie went wrong was the characters. Some of the characters were too over the top and came off annoying instead of funny, i.e. Darla. Steve’s character was usually funny but it was definitely a bit that ran a little too long because it started to lose it’s believability after about the first hour. If they had written the characters, a little more subtley, I think the movie would have been much better. Although there was some awesome quotable dialogue in this movie, so that’s always a plus.

The cinematography was average for a comedy of this nature. Nothing impressive or distracting.

Steve and Paul did a good job, again I think it was the way Steve’s character was written. It was just too much for them to carry on their comedic geniuses (genuisi?) alone. It started to get old and some of the characters were very distracting. Again, maybe the movie just did a 180 at the end that I didn’t get to see, however the 3/4ths of the movie that I did see, did not give me an inclination to sit through it again to see the ending.

Overall, it was moderately funny. It had some really funny parts but it also had some parts that seemed to drag on and made it feel much longer than it really was. I’d probably recommend this movie as a rental at the most. Sorry, Steve. “People say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not” – Dinner For Schmucks

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