Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

So, I had pretty much forgotten the plot of The Dark Knight since seeing it many moons ago, but this movie still looked pretty bad ass. Well it's made $1.08 billion so far, which means most people have already seen this and there's really no need for a review. Too bad, I have to catch up. So here goes. . .

The movie picks up where the last one left off ( I assume ) and we find Batman no longer fighting crime and basically being a scraggly hermit. Soon, a super villian, Bane played by Tom Hardy, locks down NYC, I mean Gotham, and threatens to blow up the city. Batman also meets Catwoman, played by Anne Hathaway, for the first time and sort of teams up together.

Now that you've read my amazing synopsis, there's obviously no need to actually watch the movie. I'm not a Batman historian at all and I have no idea how the characters are related (except what they've listed under the trivia section of imdb), but the plot seemed pretty original and realistic, except when you think about the physics of it. Explosive-laced concrete? I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work. And it would've taken decades to get around the city and the security around the explosive making site (two construction workers) was pretty lax. But anyway, who cares about the logistics? Some of the character's motivations didn't make that much sense either; such as sleeping with your arch-enemy? On average though, the plot was pretty entertaining and I wasn't able to predict pretty much any of the plot.

The action sequences were totally rad, as expected. That's why we watch these films. The cinematography played up the dark mysteriousness of the movies and made it just feel powerful.

Marion Cotillard is without a doubt one of my favorite actresses and she was awesome in this movie. I enjoyed seeing her play a multi-faceted character. Anne Hathaway also made a pretty cool catwoman, much more realistic than I had expected. I'm still not sure why Christian Bale whisper-talks when he's Batman, but he gave the same quality performance as expected from the other movies despite being barely audible when speaking. I didn't realize that Tom Hardy voiced his character at the time I was watching as I found the voice he used to not be very intimidating, even though it was based on a a real person. Physically, he was very intimidating and I guess it was unexpected when he had that non-threatening voice.

Basically, there's no need for a review of this movie. It's the epitome of 'cool'. The action sequences are every man's dream and the characters are interesting enough to keep us entertained inbetween the action. I have enjoyed the dark and twistedness that Nolan has given to the franchise. It's made it one-of-a-kind for sure. I'll be sad to see it go. "About the whole no guns thing, I'm not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do".

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