Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Extra Man

So I also saw this movie as I'd seen everything else at the Redbox I was at and hey, who doesn't like some Kevin Kline? The movie opened up in a very limited release (33 theaters) last July. It brought in less than half a million which was part of what I would imagine was a very low budget as well.

The plot is about a young writer, Paul Dano, who decided to move to New York City to find himself and rents a room from an eccentric socialite, Kevin Kline. He also deals with Kline's strange neighbor, John C. Reily, and a coworker he has a crush on, Katie Holmes, while dealing with his own strange temptations.

The movie is very character based. These are quite unique characters. Somewhat un-relateable, given their uniqueness. Dano's character deals with some sexuality issues which are never fully explained and end up quite polarized, at least in my opinion. Kline's character is somewhat complex and quite unique. The dynamics between the characters are written well, however I couldn't relate to these characters and therefore lacked the empathy needed to get involved with this plot.

The sets were simple and elegant. There was some smooth camerawork which was pleasant. The classic soundtrack was also quite pleasing.

The actors really gave themselves for their roles and they gave great performances. Paul Dano was able to tackle a leading role although he did rely on Kline to co-carry the movie. Kevin Kline did what he does and was on par with his roles. I love John C. Reily but felt his character was underdeveloped and a little one-dimensional. Unfortunately, Katie Holmes' character was more of a plot device and wasn't developed at all which didn't really give her a chance to add anything to the movie.

Overall, I didn't really enjoy this movie because I just couldn't relate to the plot or the characters. The elements in the movie were executed well, but it came down to the characters and the plot. Therefore, I wasn't very entertained and lost interest fast. Maybe this would be appealing to those who could relate to these characters? "So here we are. Where are we?" -- The Extra Man.

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