Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Barry Munday

So I decided to see this movie again because I had seen pretty much everything else at the Redbox I was at and the actors in this movie looked very promising. The movie had a small release last October and now a pretty widespread marketing rental campaign from Magnolia Pictures.

The movie stars Patrick Wilson as your everyday average womanizing guy, Barry Munday, who coasts through his meager life until a tragic accident takes away his precious manhood. Soon after, he is sued by Judy Greer for being the father of her unborn child. He then is thrown into a completely different life with different expectations.

The plot is more of a comedy than drama. I wouldn't even really characterize is as a dramedy, or at least not the typical dramedy. It was perhaps a believable comedy? In any event, the plot was unique. The characters were highly unique, especially Judy Greer's character which was just totally great. Throughout the plot, you begin to empathize with Wilson's character and it becomes a sweet story - with very real characters.

The sets were simple and clean. They were in keeping with what everything looks like in real life. The costumes were great, they made everyone look like what people really look like in real life. Sounds simple enough, but a lot of movies get this wrong.

Throughout the whole movie, I couldn't believe how Patrick Wilson transformed from this role. He looked like a totally normal sleezy guy. It was sad at first. I wanted the cute Wilson back. In the end, you don't miss it as much. He really did become someone else for this role. Definitely, much different that I've seen him before in previous roles. Judy Greer definitely jumped into her role physically and mentally. She always adds effortless humor in her bit pieces in other movies and it was nice to see her as a main character. Chloe Sevingy and Malcom McDowell also added to the humor in the movie.

In the end, it was a sweet believable comedic story. Something that real people could definitely relate to. It was entertaining. I'd recommend it to those who enjoy small underrated comedies with unique characters. "You remind me of Joey from the first season of Friends" -- Barry Munday.

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