Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's Your Number

So, sometimes I like these fluffy romantic comedies, I am a girl. I had thought the premise of this movie looked cute and I have loved Anna Farris ever since Smiley Face. The movie has made about $30 million with a tiny profit given it's $20 million budget. It's from director Mark Mylod who seems to be most well known as a tv director of Shameless and Entourage.

The movie is about a girl living in the big city who comes to the realization that she's slept with 19 men in her lifetime and vows that the next man she takes to bed will be 'the one'. When she 'accidentally' sleeps with number 20, she then goes on a mission to find all of her ex-lovers to see if she can re-kindle the romance and therefore not increasing her number. She uses the help of her super hot neighbor, Chris Evans, who has an investigation background.

Ok, so obviously this is going to be a predictable plot. Also it's yet another movie about finding 'the one' perfect guy and making everything right in your life, etc. I also found it interesting how it reflects on our culture that the average number of sexual partners a girl has is 10.5. Just imagine if this same movie was made 50 years ago. Anyway, it was fairly comical, mostly thanks to Faris. There were a lot of potentially hilarious scenes that only came away with small chuckles.

The soundtrack was pretty rockin'. I looked up a couple of the songs I didn't already know, so props on that. The main characters were amazingly sharp dressers, although they seemed to make Faris' clothes skimpier and skimpier as it went along, well Evans' too. There were a few different camera angles so the whole movie wasn't just close and wide shots.

Anna Faris did the best and carried the movie. She had help from Evans who was comical at times, don't forget his breakthrough performance from my beloved Not Another Teen Movie. There were bit parts scattered throughout from Faris' own husband, Andy Samberg, Martin Freeman, to name a few, but they didn't really get enough time to really make a comical impact.

In the end, it was a pretty, light-hearted, sometimes comical, ultra predictable chick flick. Sometimes that's not a bad thing since it really didn't claim to be much else. I do like how they kept it rated R or it most likely would have lost all of it's comedy. "Step-cousins, mom. It's like we're not even really related".

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