Saturday, July 30, 2011

All Good Things

So, this is the movie that Kirsten Dunst had reportedly said was her best performance ever and it also stars Ryan Gosling wearing super awesome vintage suits? I'm in. (I'm curious if her aforementioned statement was before or after her Best Actress win at Cannes this year for a Von Trier flick?). The premis of this movie is something I normally wouldn't be interested in but thought I'd give it a shot because of the actors. Oh, and because it has Kristen Wiig in a serious role.

The movie is based on a real-life couple from 1970's New York in which the husband, although extremely suspicious, was never investigated after his wife's ultra strange disappearance in 1982.

The actors, wardrobe, and set design were the best things about this movie.

Some how Ryan Gosling was able to take this horrible character with no redeeming qualities and make you somehow not hate him. Even though his motivations and actions were devious, he was able to show you where he was coming from and what had shaped him into the person he'd become. I still don't know how he was able to pull that off. He was like a mult-dimensional villian. Weird.

Kirsten Dunst did do a nice job in the movie, albeit she was pretty sullen and somber throughout. It was still a nice job.

I love Kristen Wiig in this. I love everything she does and it was ultra awesome to see her do a serious role - although she didn't have much screen time.

The wardrobe was quite retro and captured the feel of the times. Perhaps it seems cooler because vintage is the new black now, but it sill was very beautiful.

The sets and locations were also in keeping with the time and added to the overall look of the movie. The colors were in keeping with the tone and gave this period piece some authenticity.

The plot was obviously a lot of speculation about the characters and not that entertaining. Is this possibly because I'm not into murder mysteries? Most likely. But looking at it objectively, it wasn't anything that hasn't been done before.

The pace was a little choppy and didn't flow throughout the story.

Overall, it was nice to see the actors do a stand up job. It was a forgettable movie and I wasn't interested in the plot. "I've never been closer to anyone, and I don't know you at all".

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