Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life As We Know It

So I had wanted to see this movie since I saw the trailers for it several months beforehand. I like Katherin Heigl and have thoroughly enjoyed all of her movies. The movie looked so stinking cute that I couldn’t resist. The movie opened at number two overall in its opening weekend and to date has grossed over $38 million, which is also  the exact amount of it’s production budget.

The movie is about two single people, Josh Duhamel and Katherine Heigl, who tragically become the adoptive parents to an orphaned baby after their mutual best friends are killed in a car accident.

The plot is mostly realistic and on par with being a solid romcom. From the trailers we come into the movie knowing there’s going to be some tough parts in the beginning, I mean it’s about an orphaned baby afterall. I think they dealt with this part of the plot wisely and didn’t make it too tragic but also didn’t take it lightly. The characters were likeable and a little bit complex. The plot, while ultimately predictable, was still interesting and genuine. There were some really humorous parts to the movie and made it very entertaining. I personally had a little issue with the fact that the story sort of centers around that happiness can’t be found without a man in the picture, but that’s besides the point J I think the doctor character should’ve been removed from the story, although who doesn’t love some Josh Lucas?. The reason is because it’s like the only way she can be happy is to have a man in the picture, let’s represent single parents here a little. That’s obviously a little bit of personal bias showing through in this review.

The set design and costumes in this movie were beautiful. It’s hard however to not make Katherine and Josh look super good-looking though. The cinematography and editing were as would be expected from a romcom and the soundtrack was upbeat and fun.

The two leads really made the movie. They had great banter back and forth between each other. Heigl has an innate knack for comedy, in my opinion. She’s beautiful and funny, which is a rare duo. Duhamel was also really great and set up a lot of the humor. If this movie had cast two other actors, I’m not convinced it would have been as entertaining. The baby(ies) in the movie were so super adorable and added to the overall cuteness of the movie.

Overall, this movie delivered exactly what it promised from the trailer, which is a somewhat rare occurrence nowadays. It was an entertainingly funny cute romantic comedy. I would highly recommend to all parents out there as they can totally relate to the subject matter. It’s also a solid romcom for those romantics at heart. “Marriage is like prison without the . . . no it’s exactly the same” – Life as We Know It.

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